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Thermocouple Extension Wire with PFA-Coated Wire with 304SS Overbraid


Thermocouple Extension Wire with PFA-Coated Wire with 304SS Overbraid | EXTT-(*)-SB

128,19 EXTT-J-24-SB-T-50

  • Durable, Flexible and Long Lasting
  • Stainless Steel Overbraid Electrically Shields and Mechanically Protects the Wire
  • PFA Coating Protects from Moisture and Provides Chemical Resitance
  • See the Related Links Section on the Bottom of This Page for Other Overbraid Options
Kabel: Termokobler, RTD, termistor og tilslutning - Vis relaterede produkter


OMEGA™ extension cables are designed for use in connecting a thermocouple probe to a readout or indicator. Made from extension grade thermocouple wire, J, K and E wire types are rated from 0-105°C (32 to 221°F) for the insulation. The range type T extension wire is rated from -60° to 100°C (-76 to 212°F). Used for a wide variety of applications, these cables are constructed with color-coded extruded PVC or PFA applied to each wire leg. Another color-coded sheath of the same material is then extruded over the two primary legs. A metal overbraid is then applied over the insulated wire: tinned copper over PVC wire, stainless steel over PFA wire. This overbraid adds durability, flexibility and long-term abrasion protection to the wire, in addition to providing electrical shielding for use in noisy environments. Finally, a third layer of PVC or PFA is extruded over the entire assembly to protect the metal overbraid.

Examples of pricing for popular models is referenced in the "To Order" box. Use the "Part Number Builder" below to get pricing for other available models.
For complete product specifications see the Related Links section at the bottom of this page.
Til bestilling(Angiv modelnummer)
Vare nummer/Desc.
Beholdning: 8 uger 
500 feet of type J (Iron-Constantan), PFA-coated extension grade wire, 16 gage, with stainless steel overbraid
Kontakt salgsafdelingen    
1000 feet of type K (CHROMEGA™-ALOMEGA™), PFA-coated extension grade wire, 20 gage, with stainless steel overbraid
Beholdning: 8 uger 
200 feet of type T (Copper Constantan), PFA-coated extension grade wire, 24 gage, with stainless steel overbraid
Beholdning: 8 uger 
50 feet of type E (CHROMEGA™ - Constantan), PFA-coated extension grade wire, 24 gage, with stainless steel overbraid
All amounts shown in EUR
Noter: To order quantities other than 1000 ft., consult Sales.


Build Your Part Number Below
Beskrivelse af tilvalg:

(1) Wire Type select from:
EXTT-J- for Type J (Iron-Constantan) PFA-coated extension grade wire
EXTT-T- for Type T (Copper Constantan) PFA-coated extension grade wire
EXTT-K- for Type K (CHROMEGA-ALOMEGA) PFA-coated extension grade wire
EXTT-E- for Type E (CHROMEGA-Constantan) PFA-coated extension grade wire

(2) AWG select from:
16 for 16 gage
20 for 20 gage
24 for 24 gage

(3) Wire Length select from:
25 for 25 feet
50 for 50 feet
100 for 100 feet
200 for 200 feet
500 for 500 feet
1000 for 1000 feet
Noter: Ikke alle kombinationer er nødvendigvis gyldige. Se specifikationerne for gyldige delnumre.
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