Beskrivelse af tilvalg:
Circuit Junction Box select from:JPCB-5 for 5-circuit standard conduit box
TJPCB-4 for 4-circuit 3-prong conduit box
RJPCB-6 for 6-circuit round connector
JPJB-1 for 1-position junction box
JPJB-2 for 2-position junction box
JPJB-3 for 3-position junction box
JPJB-4 for 4-position junction box
JPJB-5 for 5-position junction box
JPJB-6 for 6-position junction box
Thermocouple Calibration select from:J for Type J Thermocouple
K for Type K Thermocouple
T for Type T Thermocouple
E for Type E Thermocouple
R/S for Type R/S Thermocouple
U for Type U Thermocouple
N for Type N Thermocouple (JPCB model only)
Connector Type select from:-F for for Female (JPCB Models only)
-M for for Male only (JPCB models only)
Nothing(leave field blank) for No connector (JPJB models only)/JPJB suplied with Female connectors
Configuration For JPJB select from:-ST for Straight
-RH for Right Hand
-LH for Left Hand
-BE for Butt End
Nothing(leave field blank) for JPCB-5 TJPCB-4 and RJPCB-6 models
Noter: Ikke alle kombinationer er nødvendigvis gyldige. Se specifikationerne for gyldige delnumre.