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Seamless Incoloy Sheath Strip Heater

NS & NSL Series

Seamless Incoloy Sheath Strip Heater | NS & NSL Series

Seamless Incoloy Sheath Strip Heater

196,46 NS-1205/240V

  • 3/4" (1.9 cm) Wide, High Temperature
  • Rugged, Reliable, Premium Quality
  • 500 to 3000 Watt
  • 2 Terminals at One End
  • Seamless Construction
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Click here if you want to know more about strip heaters.

Strip-heater advantages for highertemperature applications are offered by NS series. The heater design, materials and construction give long life for given power densities. The Incoloy sheath encloses nickelchromium resistance wire embedded in a densely compacted refractory material selected for dielectric insulation value and good heat conduction to the sheath. The small cross-section is often an advantage where space is a factor.

Clamp-on temperatures to 1200°F
Maximum work temperature depends on the watt density of the heater. Table 1 gives a few examples of work temperatures at different watt densities. Figure C-11 of the Heater Selection Nomographs page can be used to determine allowable watt densities for other specific temperatures.

The flat top and bottom surfaces may be flush mounted or sandwiched between two heatconducting metal parts. Straight heaters can be mounted on surfaces curved to 6" (15 cm) inside radius or larger. The heater may be field bent to minimum 3 " (8 cm) inside radius. Standard strip heater clamps and clamping bands may be used for mounting.

In free or forced air, sheath temperature to 1500°F, maximum work temperature depends on the watt density of the heater. Table gives a few examples of work temperatures at different watt densities.

Max. Work Temperature °F
Application 30 W/in2 20 W/in2 10 W/in2
Clamp-on 300 750 950
Air Heating
950 1200 1350

Dimension-Inches (cm) NS Series. Incoloy Sheath NSL Series. 10" Wire Type Leads
A B Watts W/In2 Model
(lb) kg
121/2 (32) 87/8 (23) 500 32 NS-1205/** NSL-1205/** .63 (.28)
133/4 (35) 101/8 (26) 500 28 NS-1405/** NSL-1405/** .68 (.30)
157/16 (39) 1113/16 (30) 500 24 NS-1505/** NSL-1505/** .73 (.33)
1713/16 (45) 143/16 (36) 750 30 NS-1807/** NSL-1807/** .90 (.40)
181/2 (47) 147/8 (38) 1000 38 NS-1801/** NSL-1801/* .93 (.42)
193/8 (49) 153/4 (40) 1000 36 NS-1901/* NSL-1901/* 1.0 (.45)
217/16 (54) 1713/16 (45) 1100 35 NS-2001/** NSL-2001/* 1.1 (49)
233/4 (60) 201/8 (51) 1200 34 NS-2401/* NSL-2401/* 1.2 (.54)
251/4 (64) 215/8 (55) 1300 34 NS-2501/* NSL-2501/* 1.25 (.56)
2615/16 (68) 235/16 (59) 1400 34 NS-2601/** NSL-2601/* 1.30 (.59)
303/16 (77) 269/16 (67) 1500 32 NS-3015/* NSL-3015/* 1.52 (.68)
3315/16 (86) 305/16 (77) 1500 28 NS-3301/** NSL-3301/* 1.68 (.76)
363/8 (92) 323/4 (83) 1850 32 NS-3601/* NSL-3601/* 1.85 (.83)
39 (99) 353/8 (90) 2000 32 NS-3802/* NSL-3802/* 2.00 (.90)
403/4 (104) 371/8 (94) 2100 32 NS-4302/* NSL-4302/* 2.13 (.96)
513/8 (130) 473/4 (121) 2700 32 NS-4827/** NSL-4827/* 2.7 (.12)
54 (138) 503/8 (128) 3000 34 NS-5403/*** NSL-5403/*** 2.75 (.12)
/* Designate voltage, i.e.; insert 120V for 120 or 240V or 480V voltage required.
/** 120 or 240 Vac only.
/*** 240 or 480 Vac only.
Til bestilling(Angiv modelnummer)
Vare nummer/Desc.
Beholdning: 7 uger 
NSL series heater, 240 Vac
Beholdning: 7 uger 
NSL series heater, 120Vac
Beholdning: 7 uger 
NSL series heater, 120Vac
Beholdning: 7 uger 
NSL series heater, 120Vac
Beholdning: 5 uger 
NSL series heater, 240Vac
Examples of common part numbers are shown below. Use the Part Number Builder below this table for your exact configuration.
Beholdning: 7 uger 
NS series heater, 120Vac, Nonreturnable
Beholdning: 7 uger 
NS series heater,120Vac
Beholdning: 7 uger 
NS series heater,240Vac
Beholdning: 7 uger 
NS series heater, 120Vac, Nonreturnable
All amounts shown in EUR


Build Your Part Number Below
Beskrivelse af tilvalg:

(1) Style select from:
NS for NS series-incoloy sheath
NSL for NSL Series- 10 in. wire type leads

(2) Size Power and Watt Density from Table Above select from:
1205 for 1205
1405 for 1405
1505 for 1505
1807 for 1807
1801 for 1801
1901 for 1901
2001 for 2001
2401 for 2401
2501 for 2501
2601 for 2601
3015 for 3015
3301 for 3301
3601 for 3601
3802 for 3802
4302 for 4302
4827 for 4827
5403 for 5403

(3) Voltage select from:
120V for 120 Vac
240V for 240 Vac
480V for 480Vac
Noter: Ikke alle kombinationer er nødvendigvis gyldige. Se specifikationerne for gyldige delnumre.
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