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RTD-sensor med kobberspids og hurtig reaktion, vibrationtestet

PR-25CU Series

RTD-sensor med kobberspids og hurtig reaktion, vibrationtestet | PR-25CU Series

Se Alt Models Below

  • Elementer inde i spidsen af kobberlegering
    sikrer forbedret varmereaktion
  • Kappe og kabinet i 316L rustfrit stål
  • Kan bruges til måling af temperatur i lejer og termobrønde
  • Sensor for driftstemperatur: -50 til 250º C
    Stik: -50 til 85° C
  • Vibrationstestet iht. ASTM-E1137: 3G fra 5 til 500 Hz
  • Reaktionstid (typisk): 6 sekunder for 63,2 %, 5 sekunder for 50 %,
    11 sekunder for 90 % [vand ved 0,91 m (3')/sekund]
RTD (PT100)-prober, -elementer og -enheder - Vis relaterede produkter


This RTD sensor incorporates a copper tip which provides an improved heat transfer path between the sensing element and the process conditions allowing for reduced response times and better temperature tracking. This becomes especially important in applications where the sensor has little exposure to the item being measured such as in thermowells and bearing temperatures. The M12 connector provides a secure connection for all types of applications. The probe can be ordered straight or with mounting threads of 1/2, 3/8 or 1/4" NPT. The probe is also offered in a metric millimeter size and M8x1 and M10x1 mounting threads.
Til bestilling(Angiv modelnummer)
Vare nummer/Desc.
Beholdning: 6 uger 
Straight sheath, Class A, 100 Ohm, 1/4" diameter, 6" long, M12 male connector
Beholdning: 6 uger 
Straight sheath with 1/2 NPT mounting, Class A, 100 Ohm, 1/4" diameter, 6" long, M12 male connector
Beholdning: 6 uger 
Straight sheath with 3/8 NPT mounting, Class A, 100 Ohm, 1/4" diameter, 6" long, M12 male connector
Beholdning: 6 uger 
Straight sheath with 1/4 NPT mounting, Class A, 100 Ohm, 1/4" diameter, 6" long, M12 male connector
Beholdning: 6 uger 
Straight sheath with M8x1 mounting thread, Class A, 100 Ohm, 6 mm diameter, 150 mm long, M12 male connector
Beholdning: 6 uger 
Straight sheath with M10x1 mounting thread, Class A, 100 Ohm, 6 mm diameter, 150 mm long, M12 male connector
Kontakt salgsafdelingen    
Straight sheath with G1/2 mounting thread, Class A, 100 Ohm, 6 mm diameter, 150 mm long, M12 male connector
Kontakt salgsafdelingen    
Straight sheath with G1/4 mounting thread, Class A, 100 Ohm, 6 mm diameter, 150 mm long, M12 male connector
Extension Cables (See Links at Bottom of Page)
Beholdning: 1 uge 
5 meter long, FEP insulated and jacketed, 24 AWG stranded silver plated copper, M12 straight socket connector one end and flying leads the other.
Beholdning: På lager
20 meter long, FEP insulated and jacketed, 24 AWG stranded silver plated copper, M12 straight socket connector one end and flying leads the other.
All amounts shown in EUR
Noter: Standard; For lengths other than 6", change “-0600” in model number to required length and add $1 per inch greater than 6", (example: 18" = 1800).
For 1000 Ω RTD elements change “-100” to “-1000” in model number.
For Class B Element, change the “-A” to “-B”.
For 3/16" probe diameters, change “-1/4” in model number to “-3/16”, no additional cost.
Metric; For lengths other than 150 mm, change “-M150” in model number to required length and add $1 per inch per 25mm greater than 150 mm.
For 4.5 mm diameters, change “-M6” in model number to “-M4.5”, no additional cost.


Build Your Part Number Below
Beskrivelse af tilvalg:

(1) Mounting select from:
A for Straight sheath
B for Straight sheath with 1/2 NPT mounting
C for Straight sheath with 3/8 NPT mounting
D for Straight sheath with 1/4 NPT mounting
E for Straight sheath with M8x1 mounting thread
F for Straight sheath with M10x1 mounting thread
G for Straight sheath with G1/2 mounting thread
H for Straight sheath with G1/4 mounting thread

(2) RTD select from:
100 for 100 OHM
1000 for 1000 OHM

(3) Class Element select from:
A for Class A Element
B for Class B Element

(4) Diameter select from:
1/4 for 1/4 in
3/16 for 3/16 in
M6 for 6 mm
M4.5 for 4.5 mm

(5) Length select from:
0600 for 6 in with Pt100
M150 for 150 mm
Noter: Ikke alle kombinationer er nødvendigvis gyldige. Se specifikationerne for gyldige delnumre.
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