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Pt100 (RTD) trådløs transmitter


Pt100 (RTD) trådløs transmitter | UWRTD

Pt100 (RTD) trådløs transmitter

Se Alt Models Below

1 year warranty CE
  • Pt100-indgang som standard, kan leveres med Pt500 og Pt1000
  • Gratis software til visning, diagramoptagelse på flere kanaler samt datalogning i realtid med eksport til regneark
  • Lavt strømforbrug og dvaletilstand sikrer lang levetid for batteriet
  • Hvert trådløst stik transmitterer procestemperatur, omgivende temperatur, signalstyrke og batteristatus i realtid
  • REC1 og REC2 "Plug and Play" USB-modtager kan anvendes med 48 trådløse transmittere
  • REC2 USB-modtager har desuden analog udgang på en enkelt kanal
  • REC3 Ethernet-modtager fungerer med 32 trådløse transmittere
Trådløse sensorer, transmittere, receivere, målere og controllere - Vis relaterede produkter


Omega’s new wireless Pt100 connector Series features standalone, compact, battery powered RTD connectors that transmit their readings back to a host receiver up to 120 m (400') away. Each unit can be programmed in the field to interface directly with a 3-wire 100Ω Platinum RTD sensor with 0.00385 (European) or 0.00392 (American) curves. When activated the connector will transmit readings continuously at pre-set time interval that was programmed by the user during the initial setup. Each unit measures and transmits: Pt100 input reading, connector ambient temperature, RF signal strength and battery condition to the host and is displayed on the PC screen in real time using the provided software.

Available Types: 100Ω (standard), 500Ω, 1000Ω (special Order)
RTD Measurement Range:
 0.00385 (European): -200 to 850°C (-328 to 1562°F)
 0.00392 (American): -100 to 457°C (-148 to 854°F)
RTD Measurement Accuracy: ±0.5°C (1°F)
RTD Measurement Resolution: 1°C/1°F
Operating Environment: -10 to 70°C (14 to 158°F)
RTD Connection: Series "T" receptacle. Use Model TA3F mating connector. One Included
Computer Interface: USB (one interface cable included with receiver)
Transmit Sample Rate: Programmable from 1 sample/minute to 1 sample/every 5 seconds Radio Frequency (RF) Transceiver
Carrier: ISM 2.4 GHz, direct sequence spread spectrum, license free worldwide (2.450 to 2.490 GHz -12 channels)
RF Output Power:
UWRTD-1: 0dBm (1 mW)
UWRTD-2: 10dBm (10 mW)
Range of RF Link:
 UWRTD-1: Up to 60 m (200') outdoorline of sight. (Up to 20 m (65') indoor/urban.)
 UWRTD-2: Up to 120 m (400') outdoorline of sight. Up to 40 m (130') indoor/urban. RF Data Packet
Standard: IEEE 802.15.4, open communication architecture
Software (Included Free): Requires Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP, or Vista operating system
Connector Internal Battery: One 3.6V lithium, 2.4 Ah capacity (AA) (included)
Battery Life (Typical): (1 year) 1 sample/minute reading rate @ 25°C (77°F)
Data Transmitted to Host: RTD reading, connector ambient reading, RF transmit strengthand battery condition
Dimensions: 100 L x 50 W x 25 mm H (without antenna) (4 x 2 x 1")

Note: Because of transmission frequency regulations, these products may only be used in Europe, USA, Canada and Singapore
Til bestilling(Angiv modelnummer)

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Vare nummer/Desc.
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48 channel receiver with USB interface, cable and Windows software. Single channel 0-5 Vdc output .
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48 channel receiver with USB interface, cable and Windows software. Single channel 0-10 Vdc output .
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Beholdning: 1 uge 
RTD input connector (one included with transmitters)
All amounts shown in EUR
Noter: Note: Because of transmission frequency regulations, these products may only be used in the United States, Canada, Singapore and Europe
Transmitters supplied with a 3.6V “AA” battery, mounting bracket and TA4F input connector for RTD.
REC1 and REC2 receivers supplied with programming software, measurement/data logging software and operators manual.
REC2 and REC3 model receivers are also supplied with an ac power supply.
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